Recent Articles
The art of the sale: Getting to know Vishal Singh
(May 26, 2021)
Biden backed Israel in Gaza. Now it’s time to return the favor
(May 24, 2021)
Transforming in more ways than one: Getting to know Nancy Yueh
(May 19, 2021)
Hamas comes to Netanyahu’s rescue once again
(May 14, 2021)
Is automation the answer to our age-old security fears?
(May 10, 2021)
The tech guru: Getting to know Ron Haberman
(April 28, 2021)
The Nokia man and the sea: Getting to know Friedrich Trawoeger
(April 21, 2021)
The man in the middle: Getting to know Christian Foerster
(April 14, 2021)
Appreciate Yom HaShoah – it soon won’t be the same
(April 11, 2021)
Nokia marks Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel with survivor testimony
(April 09, 2021)
Delivering a human touch: Getting to know Issa Eid
(April 07, 2021)
The quest for the holy grail of automation
(March 24, 2021)
Connecting worlds in work and life: Getting to know Karl Bream
(March 24, 2021)
Sales, Tech and Rock & Roll: Getting to know Chris Johnson
(March 11, 2021)
From Alexandria to Ottawa: Getting to know Hamdy Farid
(March 09, 2021)