Standups & Demos

Live Reports delivered from Israel

In Israel, in 2003, I delivered live breaking news reports for MSNBC. Watch the Report


Montage of Standups in New York

While in New York, while attending Journalism school in 2004, I worked at and anchored the international Web cast. I produced and broadcast updates on foreign exchange market news. I also shot the following standups for stories I covered throughout the city. Watch the Video


Prior to attending Columbia Journalism School, in 2003, I put together these three stories into a six-minute reel. I was involved in the production of all the original stories, which aired on NBC Nightly News. Later I wrote my own scripts, shot my standups and edited the packages into the following demo reel.

Haifa Bus Bombing

Watch the Video



Tragedy in Kibbutz Metzer

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Israel’s Animals Prepare for War

Watch the Video